Hey There!

A decade ago life threw us a curveball when my younger son was diagnosed with Autism. Since life forgot to send the “How to Autism” manual, it took our family years of research, conferences, meet-ups, moral support by family, friends, therapists, teachers as well as strangers, websites/books/vlogs/blogs/podcasts to be in a place where we are today.

Our definition of “Normal” changed the day my son got his diagnosis and so did our outlook on life and parenting. All the while on my journey, we sought guidance for simple things like “Is this food inflammatory?” to major ones like “Will he ever say my name?” “IEPs” and more. We still have a long way to go and the challenges keep on changing with each season but we are soo grateful for all the big as well as the small achievements we have made. along the way.

The journey has been full of guidance, hope, prayers, laughter, and tears, with an equal blend of cussing, screaming, shouting….every emotion you can think of. This has been a journey where the career mom took a back seat and the warrior mom got to and is still the driver.

Run Autism Run is an effort to be a source of information as well as a beacon of hope for all ASD caregivers who are looking for guidance, or who have made some progress and are searching for ways to get past the plateau. My hope is that this place becomes your one-stop for everything ASD, a tribe, a family, a place where you build lasting relationships and leave feeling hopeful, positive, resourceful, and charged up to take the next step on your journey. 


My Favorite verse!

Allah does not burden any soul greater than it can bear.”
